


We plan events to connect with the community. Those include, but are not limited to, Trunk-or-Treat, Vendor Market, and the churchwide dinner.

We have done movie nights and other events to connect both with the community and to build fellowship within the church. We are always open to new ideas to reach out beyond our walls to the area around us.



Oakridge’s co-ed softball league is a great opportunity to bond with fellow church-goers and invite a friend or two from the community. In the summer months, we play one or two games every Monday against other church teams in the area. Feel free to join in or just come cheer us on!


Kickball runs Memorial Day through Labor Day on Wednesdays from 6:45pm-7:30pm. Adults and children alike play and fellowship during and after the game. Each evening begins with prayer and ends with free food. Upwards of 40 people come out regularly to watch and play!

This is a great outreach activity to help show that Christians can still have fun. Kickball is open to everyone to participate in playing or simply spend time talking with others.

Vendor Markets

Each year, we host a Spring and Fall outdoor Vendor Market in our pavilion. While there is no fee for vendors to participate, we do suggest a donation. Those donations go toward the Oakridge Food Pantry.

Keep an eye out for our next market and come shop some amazing local vendors while supporting the Food Pantry here at Oakridge!


Around the second weekend of October each year, we host a Trunk or Treat event for the community. Volunteers come up with games to run out of their vehicle trunks. This is a great way to reach out and provide a safe place for families to enjoy fall activities!

The Church provides candy and other non-food prizes, and there is also some allergy-conscious candy available as well.

This event is held rain or shine! If it’s raining, we move into our gym area.

We have had fantastic attendance over the years and love hosting this fun event. We have had a lot of positive feedback from the community!

A volunteer sign up sheet is put up in September if you’re interested in helping out.