Oakridge Adult Ministries


Oakridge Adult ministries

We offer a variety of ministry options for adults, including Bible studies, Sunday services, service projects, fun activities, men’s and women’s ministries, and more!

Grace Groups

Romans 8:29 says to grow as disciples and be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ with the result that we invest our lives in others. Grace Groups are small groups where people can build meaningful relationships and study the Bible deeper. Groups have the freedom to decide what to study, though materials must be approved by the Elder Board.


Christian Education

This team oversees the classes offered to the adults of Oakridge. This includes determining what we will study in the Sunday morning Bible study time along with hosting three seminars over the winter months on Sunday afternoon.

Our goal is to help the people of Oakridge grow as disciples of Christ. We are looking for others to join the team who can bring insights and ideas to help deepen the faith of the people of our church.


Women’s Bible Study

Studying God’s Word is such a privilege. Women of all ages are welcome to join us. We meet weekly on Wednesday at 1:30 pm. during the school year. Bring your Bible. We study directly from the Bible – verse by verse – and encourage discussion.

Young Women’s Bible Study

Geared toward women under 50, our group follows study guides and books written by female authors as well as refrencing renowed theologians. Our weekly meetings include free childcare, worship, prayer, and study. Bring your Bible and sign up here!

Men’s Bible Study

Our goal is to equip the men of our community by helping one another draw closer to God through deeper devotion to Him, resulting in a life that is pleasing to Him. The central focus of the ministry is the study and application of God’s Word. We provide men an opportunity for a no-nonsense, practical study of God’s Word in a setting of Christian fellowship.

A structured study guide is provided to all participants and men spend time in personal study, prayer, meditation, and Scripture memory. We gather at the church to discuss and encourage one-another with what God is doing in our lives during our study. The Apostle Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 5:17 that if we are in Christ, we are a new creation, the old things have passed away and new things come into our lives.

The Holy Spirit is instrumental in this transformation, but as believers we also have work to do. The men’s ministry at Oakridge provides you with essential tools and fellowship as you do your part to become more Christlike.



The Oakridge library has quite a variety of books. We have devotionals, children, teen, Bible translations, fiction, Christian living, and church ministry, just to name a few. All the categories are labeled. We also have a selection of DVDs and CDs. There are also several shelves of puzzles for both adults and children. Everything is on the honor system, so sign-in/out is necessary. Just return materials to the shelves labeled “return”.

Apologetics Library

Did you know we have a designated Apologetics Library in addition to our church library?

The material is in the form of videos and books and cover a wide range of topics from the biology of the universe to religious cults. Materials are located in the Adult Sunday School room and are separate from the regular church library. Materials are free to borrow, just sign them out on the sheet then return them in the box.

There are also free-to-keep materials on a table next to the Welcome Center in the foyer. Please feel free to take these materials to give out to friends, neighbors, etc.

The purpose of these materials is to help remove stumbling blocks that the world is ever presenting.